Kalsoom Fatima Advocate

Every Client Is Special

Month: February, 2022

No Confidence Motion.

No confidence motion is a democratic way of removing a Prime Minister from his office. Now a days PDM is making an attempt to remove PM Imran Khan.
20 percent of total members of National Assembly are required to pass no confidence motion against PM.
In past, only two times no confidence motion was presented in NA against PM
In 1989, no confidence motion was presented against Benzir Bhutto.
In 2006, it was presented against Shaukat Aziz . But both the time motions failed to pass.
In 2021, many prime ministers of other countries faced no confidence motion and that they survived. Like Thailand PM, Canadian PM, Japan PM, Sweden PMand Nepal PM. 

Senior Management Can Fail CEO.

Now a days a concept has evolved in Pakistan that CEO can alone uplift the company. Even a few lawyers are introducing themselves as CEO of their company.

Good CEO is essential for the improvement and development of the company however a role of the senior management can’t be ignored.

Senior management is composed of those individuals who understand the business. They can successfully communicate with different coworkers and staff members of the company.

It is necessary for every CEO consider the following points.
1 Maintain good working relations with senior management.
2 Solve their issues quickly as possible.
3 Arrange regular meetings and conferences with them.
4 Consider their recommendation before making any important decision.

Timely advice of senior management can make any CEO success.