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Category: Business

Understanding the Economic Relationship between Pakistan China and India

The economic relationship among Pakistan China and India has been a topic of great significance in recent years. These three countries situated in South Asia are known for their regional influence and economic potential. This blog post aims to shed light on the economic dynamics between Pakistan China and India exploring various aspects of their relationship.

  1. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC):
    A significant component of the economic relationship between Pakistan and China is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Signed in 2013 this ambitious project aims to connect the warm-water port of Gwadar in southwestern Pakistan with China’s northwestern region of Xinjiang. It involves infrastructure development energy projects and investments in various sectors providing immense potential for economic growth in Pakistan.
  2. Trade Relations:
    Trade contributes significantly to the economic relationship between these three nations. China serves as a major trading partner for both Pakistan and India with trade volumes continually increasing. India-China trade surpasses the $100 billion mark while China-Pakistan trade has also seen steady growth. However trade relations between India and Pakistan have been marred by political tensions resulting in limited economic cooperation.
  3. Foreign Investments:
    China has emerged as a crucial investor in Pakistan’s economy particularly through the CPEC where it has pledged significant investments in infrastructure and energy projects. These investments aim to improve connectivity and boost economic growth in Pakistan. On the other hand India has been attracting foreign investments from various countries including China in sectors such as technology renewable energy manufacturing and services.
  4. Regional Cooperation:
    Despite occasional tensions and disputes regional cooperation initiatives have been undertaken to enhance economic integration in South Asia. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was established to promote cooperation in various sectors including trade investment and tourism. However due to political disagreements the cooperation has faced challenges limiting the economic benefits for all member countries.
  5. Potential for Collaboration:
    Given their geographic proximity and economic potential there is tremendous scope for Pakistan China and India to collaborate further. Greater economic integration enhanced trade relations and joint ventures could bring substantial benefits to the region. Developing cross-border infrastructure expanding regional connectivity and facilitating trade facilitation measures could establish a favorable environment for economic cooperation.

The economic relationship between Pakistan China and India is complex and multifaceted. While China has played a significant role in boosting economic growth in Pakistan through initiatives like the CPEC India has been attracting foreign investments and expanding trade relations globally. Despite various challenges and political tensions there is immense potential for these nations to enhance their economic cooperation which can lead to regional stability and prosperity.

Senior Management Can Fail CEO.

Now a days a concept has evolved in Pakistan that CEO can alone uplift the company. Even a few lawyers are introducing themselves as CEO of their company.

Good CEO is essential for the improvement and development of the company however a role of the senior management can’t be ignored.

Senior management is composed of those individuals who understand the business. They can successfully communicate with different coworkers and staff members of the company.

It is necessary for every CEO consider the following points.
1 Maintain good working relations with senior management.
2 Solve their issues quickly as possible.
3 Arrange regular meetings and conferences with them.
4 Consider their recommendation before making any important decision.

Timely advice of senior management can make any CEO success.

Cryptocurrency, No Legislation Is Done In Pakistan To Regulated It.

Cryptocurrency is banned in Pakistan but many people are investing in digital currencies.

In India, Bitcoin currency is legal but they are no regulations in the country to regulated it. Cryptocurrencies are not taxable in India.

China Central bank has announced that all the transaction in cryptocurrency are illegal.

According to the news published in Dawn on October 5th 2021
“Sindh High Court summoned officials of the State Bank of Pakistan, Security and Exchange Commission, Minister of Finance and Federal investigation agencies, to come up with comments and suggestions as to how to regulate cryptocurrencies in Pakistan.”

But I think Pakistani authorities are waiting for a financial scandal to make a headlines then they will start  making regulations regarding cryptocurrency

Pandora Papers And Panama Papers Has Proven That Rule Of Law Has Become Weaken All Over The World

Pandora papers and Panama papers has proven that rule of law has become weaken all over the world. Both papers are based on leaked information. The process of getting leaked information itself an illegal but it is globally done on the name of investigative journalism.

These documents has exposed over 300 Indians including those who are accused in economic offences, former members of parliament and those who are under the radar of Investigation agencies.

700 Pakistani including politicians, former military generals, bureaucrat and businessman are on this list.

According to the leaked data, Pakistani are the fifth largest investor in expensive property of London.

Pandora papers are questionmark on Imran Khan accountability narrative. How will  Imran Khan will make its own government member and allies accountable?

ICIJ Director General Ryle said
“We call it Pandora papers because we think we are opening a box on lot of things”

I agree with him because they not only expose financial corruption but they also pointed out weaknesses in rule of law and international law

After NAB Which Departmental Head Will Be Given Extension

There is a famous saying
“A bad worker always blames his tools”

Army chief was given extension because it was necessary. Why it was necessary? In past because of weaknesses of politicians army has  imposed martial laws

Now once again politicians are hiding behind a department to cover their weaknesses.

In India, after partition no army chief was given extension. No matter what circumstances India was facing every chief retires on its time.

Concept of retirement has been around since the 18th century. Retirement as a government policy began to be adopted by countries during the late 19th century and the 20th century.

But Question is still here. After NAB Which Departmental Head Will Be Given Extension?

Important Things Should Be Considered Before Starting Your Business

1. Money.
2. Know your customer.
3. Know your product.
4. Make a workable plan.
5. Motivation.

Ways to Overcome Depression Without Medication

1. Do something new
2. Try to notice good things
3. Identify troubles
4. Accept yourself
5. Learn to forgive
6. Examine your relationships
7. Do charity work
8. Find workable goals that give you a sense of accomplishment
9. Schedule pleasant activities or events.
10. Stay in the present.
11. Exercise and eat right too.
12. Focus on people who lift you up.
13. Try to keep a regular sleep schedule.

How To Increase Your Productivity

By applying following ways you can increase your productivity. 
1. Do your heavy work when you’re active not tried.
2. Stop multitasking
3. Prepare a To-Do List each night.
Review your to-do list, ask yourself two questions;
• What are the important tasks on this list?
• How many of these important tasks can I realistically accomplish or make significant progress on tomorrow?
4. Eliminate distractions
5. Plan how to use social media. Turn off notifications. Stop checking social media again and again.
6. Break up work periods with exercise
7. Be optimistic
8. Take care of yourself.

22 Types Of Management

Management is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.
These are the most common types of management.
1. Strategic Management
2. Sales Management
3. Marketing Management
4. Public Relations
5. Operations Management
6. Supply Chain Management
7. Procurement Management
8. Financial Management
9. Accounting Management
10. Human Resources Management
11. Information Technology Management
12. R&D Management
13. Engineering Management
14. Program Management
15. Project Management
16. Risk Management
17. Change Management
18. Quality Management
19. Innovation Management
20. Design Management
21. Facility Management
22. Knowledge Management

5 Islamic Principles for Business

Islam has given guidance for every part of life including business. Islamic principles of business are

1. Sell lawful items
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Every flesh nourished by haram deserves fire”(Hadith Shu`abul iman,5521)

2. Honesty
Quranic says “O believers, fear Allah, and be among those who are the truthful ones” (al-Tawbah 9:119).

3. Good treatment of staff
Allah says: “O you who have believed, fulfil your contractual obligations.” [Quran 5:1]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Give the worker his wage before his sweat dries.” [Ibn Majah]

4. No deception or fraud
Allah says: “O you who have believed, do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly but only [in lawful] business by mutual consent.” [Quran 4:29]

Prophet says “Whoever cheats us, is not one of us.” [Sahih Muslim]

5. Charity
Quran says
“Those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve” (2:274). “