Kalsoom Fatima Advocate

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Category: Entrepreneur

Senior Management Can Fail CEO.

Now a days a concept has evolved in Pakistan that CEO can alone uplift the company. Even a few lawyers are introducing themselves as CEO of their company.

Good CEO is essential for the improvement and development of the company however a role of the senior management can’t be ignored.

Senior management is composed of those individuals who understand the business. They can successfully communicate with different coworkers and staff members of the company.

It is necessary for every CEO consider the following points.
1 Maintain good working relations with senior management.
2 Solve their issues quickly as possible.
3 Arrange regular meetings and conferences with them.
4 Consider their recommendation before making any important decision.

Timely advice of senior management can make any CEO success.

7 Ways To Increase Confidence

1. Stop comparing yourself to others.
2. Take care of your health.
3. Stand up for yourself.
4. Challenge the status quo.
5. Keep up your word.
6. Accept rejection.
7. Add value to your services.

Ways to Overcome Depression Without Medication

1. Do something new
2. Try to notice good things
3. Identify troubles
4. Accept yourself
5. Learn to forgive
6. Examine your relationships
7. Do charity work
8. Find workable goals that give you a sense of accomplishment
9. Schedule pleasant activities or events.
10. Stay in the present.
11. Exercise and eat right too.
12. Focus on people who lift you up.
13. Try to keep a regular sleep schedule.

How To Increase Your Productivity

By applying following ways you can increase your productivity. 
1. Do your heavy work when you’re active not tried.
2. Stop multitasking
3. Prepare a To-Do List each night.
Review your to-do list, ask yourself two questions;
• What are the important tasks on this list?
• How many of these important tasks can I realistically accomplish or make significant progress on tomorrow?
4. Eliminate distractions
5. Plan how to use social media. Turn off notifications. Stop checking social media again and again.
6. Break up work periods with exercise
7. Be optimistic
8. Take care of yourself.

22 Types Of Management

Management is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.
These are the most common types of management.
1. Strategic Management
2. Sales Management
3. Marketing Management
4. Public Relations
5. Operations Management
6. Supply Chain Management
7. Procurement Management
8. Financial Management
9. Accounting Management
10. Human Resources Management
11. Information Technology Management
12. R&D Management
13. Engineering Management
14. Program Management
15. Project Management
16. Risk Management
17. Change Management
18. Quality Management
19. Innovation Management
20. Design Management
21. Facility Management
22. Knowledge Management

30 Signs That You Might Become An Entrepreneur

1. You sold things when you were a kid.
2. You take action.
3. You like being in control
4. You’re passionate
5. You’re comfortable in isolation. 
6. You can dream big.
7. You tackle the small stuff. 
8. You read lots.
9. You don’t mind being uncomfortable.
10. You’re a student of history. 
11. You value hard work. 
12. You value smart work. 
13. You’re confident. 
14. You hate the status quo. 
15. You don’t mind failure. 
16. You’re passionate about problems. 
17. You don’t need to be liked. 
18. You can work from anywhere. 
19. You don’t work well with authority. 
20. You love planning. 
21. You enjoy debate.
22. You have a general interest in people. 
23. You hang out with people smarter than you.
24. You seek out advisors and feedback. 
25. You live by your calendar.
26. You value time.
27. You play hard. 
28. You’re always looking for opportunities.
29. You research for fun. 
30. You embrace change.