Kalsoom Fatima Advocate

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Category: foreign policy

Pakistan’s Current Foreign Policy: A Strategic Balancing Act

Pakistan, a pivotal country located at the crossroads of South Asia and the Middle East, has been navigating a complex geopolitical landscape in recent years. Its foreign policy has evolved significantly in response to changing regional and global dynamics. This blog aims to delve into the current foreign policy of Pakistan, examining its key principles, strategic partnerships, and challenges.

Guiding Principles:

Pakistan’s foreign policy is guided by several fundamental principles that have shaped its approach to international relations. These principles include:

Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity: Pakistan firmly upholds its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The country has a long history of defending its borders and maintaining its independence.
Non-Alignment: Pakistan follows a non-aligned policy, avoiding formal military alliances with major powers. However, it maintains strong bilateral relationships with both the United States and China.
Regional Peace and Stability: Pakistan believes in promoting peace and stability in its region. It plays an active role in resolving conflicts and fostering cooperation among South Asian nations.
Economic Development: The government recognizes the importance of economic development and seeks to enhance trade and investment ties with other countries.

Strategic Partnerships:

Pakistan has forged strategic partnerships with several countries, including:

United States: The US has been a key partner for Pakistan in counterterrorism efforts and economic development. However, relations have been strained in recent years due to differences over Afghanistan and regional security.
China: Pakistan and China have a strong and growing bilateral relationship. China is Pakistan’s largest investor and a major supplier of military equipment.
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia provides financial assistance and energy resources to Pakistan. The two countries also cooperate on counterterrorism and regional security.
Turkey: Pakistan and Turkey share close cultural and historical ties. They collaborate on defense, trade, and energy projects.


Pakistan faces several challenges in implementing its foreign policy:

Regional Rivalry: Tensions with India over the disputed territory of Kashmir remain a major obstacle to regional peace and cooperation.
Terrorism: Pakistan has been a target of terrorist attacks from various militant groups. It has undertaken significant efforts to combat terrorism, but the threat persists.
Economic Dependence: Pakistan’s economy is heavily reliant on foreign aid and investment. This can make it vulnerable to external pressure and influence.
US-China Rivalry: Pakistan’s strategic partnerships with both the US and China pose a delicate balancing act. The country must navigate the growing rivalry between these two global powers.

Recent Developments:

Pakistan’s foreign policy has undergone notable changes in recent years. Some key developments include:

Normalization with India: In 2021, Pakistan and India initiated a ceasefire along the Line of Control in Kashmir. This move has been seen as a positive step towards reducing tensions between the two countries.
Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Pakistan played a key role in the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. The country has since been involved in efforts to stabilize the region and prevent a resurgence of terrorism.
Growing Ties with Russia: Pakistan has strengthened its ties with Russia in recent years, particularly in the areas of energy and defense.


Pakistan’s foreign policy is a complex and evolving field, shaped by a mix of domestic and international factors. The country seeks to balance its strategic interests, maintain its sovereignty, and promote regional peace and economic development. While it faces significant challenges, Pakistan remains a key player in South Asia and the wider international community. As the world continues to grapple with geopolitical shifts, Pakistan’s foreign policy will continue to adapt and navigate the ever-changing global landscape.

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74 Years Of China Economical Development And Pakistan

After independence pakistani are told that the china is pakistan’s best friend. In 74 years china has become an economical power which is dominating all the world.China was not a born reached country. 74 years of pakistan china friendship Clearly shows economical unequality between the both countries.
Can Friendship between two unequal? economical countries is possible  This is a very important question. Pakistan foreign policy towards all countries depend on this question  Shahbaz sharif Ex prime minister of pakistan on many occasions publicly admitted that on international level no country is willing to give funds to Pakistan. But pakistani politicians are not wiling to understand the economical crisis which pakistan is facing. Only powerful nations can independently in this world and money brings that power 



Toshakhana Case: PTI Government Stand Is Legally Correct.

Toshakhana is a word of persian origin  which means treasure house.Toshakhana is a government owned department under control of cabinet division formed in 1971.

According to the news published in dawn on 14 october 2021, Islamabad High Court questioned government over reluctant to give lists of gifts which Prime Minister Imran Khan received since august 2018 when he assumed office. 

According to news reports, opposition is saying that a government has no ground to keep toshakhana information secret.
Government in the petition argued that the record of the toshakhana is classified and disclosure of any information related to it jeopardise is international ties.

I believe opposition lawyers forget to read Section 16 (1) (a)(ii) of Right Of Access To Information Act 2017.
Section 16: Information Exempt From Disclosure 
ii) If its disclosure is likely to cause damage to interest of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in conduct of international relation 
In this section “international relations” means relation between Islamic Republic Of Pakistan and 
A) The government of any other foreign state and 
B) Organisation of which only state are member 

Opposition should do proper research work.

Cricket Diplomacy

In past, cricket between India and Pakistan was used enhance relations between countries but it is for the first time it is used against Pakistan. New Zealand and England cricket teams cancelled their trips because of Indian propaganda. Cricket which is a source of joy but Modi wants to destroy international peace with it

Cricket is the second most world is widely played game after football. Countries which use cricket as a tool to bridge the gap in the diplomatic vacuum are as following
1 Australia and England
2 India and Pakistan
3 England and Zimbabwe
4 China and Taiwan

“Cricket is a pressure game, and when it comes to an India-Pakistan match the pressure is doubled.”
— Imran Khan

Will Gwadar be the next Dubai?

Gwadar is described as the jewel in the CPEC crown. When it will complete, Gwadar is expected to rival Dubai as one of the world’s greatest trading centres. Its growth potential has been described by experts as limitless. It is expected to boost Pakistan’s economy by 60%.

Is Gwadar Sold To China ?

No, In late 2015, the port was officially leased to China for 43 years, until 2059. Gwadar Port became formally operational on 14 November 2016. It was inaugurated by Pakistan’s Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.

I Feel Proud To Be Follower Of Brave Leader Imran Khan Who Stood For Pakistan.

I feel proud to follower of Imran Khan. He stood for Pakistan against world. He has redefine Pakistan image in world.

PPP , PML-N and military governments also remain busy in having good political relations with America. No one has courage to say no to world power.

Imam Ali Says

” Do not be a slave to others when Allah has created you free”

Balance of Power : India And Pakistan

Maintaining balance of power is necessary for peace but it can cause war. Pakistan is always busy in maintaining balance of power but India always remained busy to disturb it.

What is balance of power?

Balance of power, in international relations, policy of a nation or group of nations protecting itself against another nation or group of nations by matching its power against the power of the other side.

How can balance of power can be achieved?

No method is described to maintain balance of power but state should make policies which can it strong like
1) Military Development
2) Strong Military Alliances
3) Economical Development
4) Strong Trade
5) Strong Internal Security.
6) Powerful Diplomacy.

” In the end, peace can be achieved only by hegemony or by balance of power.”

—— Henry A. Kissinger

Kalsoom Fatima Advocate
Information Secretary ILF Lahore

Drone Attacks : Dark Era Of Pakistan Foreign Policy. PM Imran Khan Has Approved Establishment Of Civil Drone Authority

Picture in the blog not only shows how many drone attack done on Pakistan but it also shows how much weak foreign policy Pakistan had in that era.

This picture clearly shows that Musharraf , PML-N and PPP have no love for Pakistan and they wanted to have good personal relations with America. Pakistan security, extranal and internal always remain in danger in their era.

PM Imran Khan had boldly refused America. He gives strong image of Pakistan.

Another Great Step of PTI Government. Prime Minister Imran Khan approved establishment of Civil Drone Authority.

The Civil Drone Authority will be mandated to regulate and control unmanned aircraft system in the country.

It will decide matters relating to licensing, import, manufacturing, examination and issuance of drone permits.

Kalsoom Fatima Advocate
Information Secretary ILF Lahore