Kalsoom Fatima Advocate

Every Client Is Special

Category: ILF

Why PTI Mother Body Don’t Take Advices For Insaf Lawyers Forum In Any Legal Matter?

PTI mother body fails in legal matters because it never takes advice from Insaf Lawyers Forum.

Reasons for this behaviour are unknown but failed legal policy create great criticism in media. It also creates a negative image in public.

PTI mother body should understand that Lawyers are trained to handle legal matters.

Elections are coming up. Many legal issues will come infront, if PTI mother body keep ignoring Insaf Lawyers Forum than it will have great negative effect on elections.

Kalsoom Fatima Advocate
Information Secretary ILF Lahore

Why There Is No Communication Between PTI Party Wings?

All wings of PTI are working for betterment of party but there is no communication between wings.

No joint venture are done by different wings.

No joint teams are made of different wings.


If we call ourselves PTI Family than why their Communication Gap?

Steps should be taken by PTI mother body to increase communication between wings.

Kalsoom Fatima Advocate
Information Secretary ILF Lahore