Kalsoom Fatima Advocate

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Category: Law

Judicial Kingdom

  In jungle only powerful animals can survive . Strong and powerful animals kill other weak animals to maintain their power. Supreme court judge, justice isa  nowadays hearing practice and procedure case. He has started the live transmission of supreme court proceedings. In this live transmission, we see that justice isa want to  wants to control his brother judges. Justice isa is  against judicial activism but he wants Judicial control.  If justice isa do not change his behaviour towards his brother judges  then supreme court live transmission will lose it’s importance.  People will start enjoying the fights of judges as they enjoy politician fighting in political talk shows.  I hope that justice isa understand that it is always hard to build and easy to destroy 

What is Law?

Law is a set of rules and regulations that govern the behavior of individuals, organizations, and governments in a society. It is a system of principles and guidelines that are enforced by a governing authority to maintain order and protect the rights of its citizens.

The purpose of law is to provide a framework for resolving disputes, protecting individual rights, providing justice, and promoting social order. Laws are created by governments and enforced by courts, police, and other legal institutions.

There are different types of laws, such as civil law, criminal law, and administrative law, each with its own specific purpose and scope. Civil law governs disputes between individuals, while criminal law deals with crimes committed against the state. Administrative law governs the actions of government agencies, departments, and officials.

Law plays an essential role in society, providing a foundation for stability and order, protecting individual rights and freedoms, and ensuring justice for all.

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Constitution Is Respected When It Is Put To Practice

Now a days PPP is celebrating 75 years of Constitution of 1973
Senator Raza Rabbani says ” Golden jubilee events of constitution of 1973 to be held all year long”
Senator has forgotten that Pakistan is facing major economical crisis and his party played major part in creating it.
Bilwal Zardari is saying “We have made the Constitution and we will safe it “
But Bilwal is with PML-N who are consistently putting Constitution in danger
PPP should show respect to Constitution by keep practicing on it.

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Limitation for challenging an inheritance mutation– 2022 SCMR 1558

Inheritance—Limitation for challenging an inheritance mutation—Acquiescence by heir—Clear distinction was to be drawn between two sets of cases; first, cases in which an heir alleges that his/her rights to inheritance have been disregarded and his/her share not mentioned in the inheritance mutation, and second those cases in which such an heir sits idly by, does not challenge mutation entries of long standing, or acquiesces, and only comes forward when third party rights in the subject land have been created—To succeed in respect of the second category cases an heir must demonstrate that he/she was not aware of having been deprived, give cogent reasons for not challenging the property record of long standing, and show complicity between the buyer and the seller (the ostensible owner) or that the buyer knew of such heir’s interest yet proceeded to acquire the land

سمجھ نہیں آتا کیا لکھیں

پاکستان کی معاشرتی صورتحال دن بدن خراب ہوتی جارہی ہے  جس کی وجہ سے جرائم میں اضافہ ہونے کا خطرہ ہے  حکومت میں لاقانونیت نظر آرہی ہے  موجودہ حکومت اپنے اقتدار کو برقرار رکھنے کے لئے ہر غیر آئینی کام کرنے کے لئے تیار ہے  ان کو عوام کی فکر نہیں ہے وہ صرف اپنا اقتدار بچانے چاہتے ہیں  چلو نواز شریف تو لندن میں بیٹھ کر مزے لوٹ کر آئے 

No Confidence Motion.

No confidence motion is a democratic way of removing a Prime Minister from his office. Now a days PDM is making an attempt to remove PM Imran Khan.
20 percent of total members of National Assembly are required to pass no confidence motion against PM.
In past, only two times no confidence motion was presented in NA against PM
In 1989, no confidence motion was presented against Benzir Bhutto.
In 2006, it was presented against Shaukat Aziz . But both the time motions failed to pass.
In 2021, many prime ministers of other countries faced no confidence motion and that they survived. Like Thailand PM, Canadian PM, Japan PM, Sweden PMand Nepal PM. 

Senior Management Can Fail CEO.

Now a days a concept has evolved in Pakistan that CEO can alone uplift the company. Even a few lawyers are introducing themselves as CEO of their company.

Good CEO is essential for the improvement and development of the company however a role of the senior management can’t be ignored.

Senior management is composed of those individuals who understand the business. They can successfully communicate with different coworkers and staff members of the company.

It is necessary for every CEO consider the following points.
1 Maintain good working relations with senior management.
2 Solve their issues quickly as possible.
3 Arrange regular meetings and conferences with them.
4 Consider their recommendation before making any important decision.

Timely advice of senior management can make any CEO success.

CPEC : What Business Opportunities Are For Business Community Of Pakistan?

CPEC is considered as game changer in Pakistan. It will boost our economy but what business opportunities are present for Pakistani businessmen.

Government should answer the following questions.
1. When CPEC will open ,what new business opportunities will come infront? 2.Which news markets are waiting to come infront?
3.How can Pakistan can improve its exports?
4. Which countries will show interest to do business with Pakistan?

Government should give some outline so that Pakistan business community have some idea what is coming for them in future?

Celebrating with Aerial Firing : Expression Of Fulfilling Lust Of Power

According to media reports, FIR on 400 people which includes lawyers registered for aerial firing to celebrate LBA election 2022 victory.

This raises critical question
“Do Lawyers participate in elections to work for welfare of community or to get powers?”

In 2020 Punjab Bar Council Elections, lady lawyers also did aerial firing.

If gun culture, keep on growing like this than what will be the result. Lawyers will do direct fire on their opposition

Transgender: Why We Make Fun Of Humanity.

Transgenders in pakistani society are not accepted and respected. Mostly are beggers and live in poor conditions.

My Questions:
1) Is this their fault that they are born as transgender?
2) Allah has created them. No one can disagree from this fact.Then why we reject or hate them?