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Category: media

Transgender: Why We Make Fun Of Humanity.

Transgenders in pakistani society are not accepted and respected. Mostly are beggers and live in poor conditions.

My Questions:
1) Is this their fault that they are born as transgender?
2) Allah has created them. No one can disagree from this fact.Then why we reject or hate them?

“No One’s Personal Life Is The Public Interest. It’s Gossip, Bottom Line. End of Story”Kevin Spancey.

This quote is beautifully fit on role of opposition political parties nowadays. Instead of playing their role in Parliament. Giving practical solution of problems, they are protecting their corrupt leadership interests who’s money and family are in foreign country.
If they care so much than they should bring back stolen money to Pakistan.
On which performance opposition will ask vote from public in next general election. Only work they are doing is criticising government.

Will Maryam Nawaz Will Do Election Campaign For Hamza Shahbaz As Candidate For Prime Minister Of Pakistan?

Maryam Nawaz and Nawaz Sharif both are disqualified by courts . They cannot take part in any elections.

Question arises here will Maryam Nawaz will do election campaign of Hamza Shahbaz if he come as a candidate of prime minister in upcoming gerenal elections.

If a political party has two narratives then different policies will be implemented, to fulfill the narratives.This implementation of two narratives will create division in political party .

Shahrukh Khan Son Case: A Question Mark On India

Shahrukh Khan son, has been arrested in drug case. He has been accused of buying and distributing drugs.

Life coverage has been given, when his son cames to the court. All media channels are discussing him. Politicians are giving statement regarding him.

What about common people, whose cases are pending in courts?

Why meda is not highlighting the flows in indian judiciary?

Why politicians are not making efforts to improve justice system?

What about the conditions of ordinary Muslims, are they enjoying the same privileges as Aryan Khan?

What about poor conditions other minorities?

It is not the first time that any Bollywood related person has committed crime.

Is it Modi government policy to hide its failures on national and international level behind the the case of Shah Rukh Khan son?

How To Increase Your Productivity

By applying following ways you can increase your productivity. 
1. Do your heavy work when you’re active not tried.
2. Stop multitasking
3. Prepare a To-Do List each night.
Review your to-do list, ask yourself two questions;
• What are the important tasks on this list?
• How many of these important tasks can I realistically accomplish or make significant progress on tomorrow?
4. Eliminate distractions
5. Plan how to use social media. Turn off notifications. Stop checking social media again and again.
6. Break up work periods with exercise
7. Be optimistic
8. Take care of yourself.

5 Islamic Principles for Business

Islam has given guidance for every part of life including business. Islamic principles of business are

1. Sell lawful items
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Every flesh nourished by haram deserves fire”(Hadith Shu`abul iman,5521)

2. Honesty
Quranic says “O believers, fear Allah, and be among those who are the truthful ones” (al-Tawbah 9:119).

3. Good treatment of staff
Allah says: “O you who have believed, fulfil your contractual obligations.” [Quran 5:1]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Give the worker his wage before his sweat dries.” [Ibn Majah]

4. No deception or fraud
Allah says: “O you who have believed, do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly but only [in lawful] business by mutual consent.” [Quran 4:29]

Prophet says “Whoever cheats us, is not one of us.” [Sahih Muslim]

5. Charity
Quran says
“Those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve” (2:274). “

CEO Activism

What is CEO Activism?
CEO activism, a phenomenon in which business leaders engage in political or social issues that do not relate directly to their companies.

Corporations and their CEOs have a long history of attempting to influence government policies and legislation on taxation and other issues to affect the marketplace and increase profits.

CEO Activism Is a Growing Trend:
In the fall of 2018, Alison Taylor, the managing director at BSR wrote in Harvard Business Review that
       “CEO activism, the growing trend of top executives speaking out on sensitive social and political issues, has been labeled the ‘new normal.’

24 Hour Society : New Developing Concept In Business World

24 hour society is a new developing concept in business world. Research is being made how to develop this kind of society.

24 Hour Society Meaning According to Cambridge English Dictionary “A modern society in which people can buy goods, work, go to restaurants, etc. all night and all day .”

Negative Effects On Health: This could have negative influences on health of service providers and customers.

Problems In Implementation: As this concept is new, many problems are coming in implementation like hiring of employees and management .

Situation In Pakistan:
In Pakistan, this concept is developing. Pharmacy shops, hospitals and few government owned institutions are providing services to people day and night.

Case Study: Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co.

Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronic Co., Ltd. was the first of a series of ongoing lawsuits between Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics regarding the design of smartphones and tablet computers.
In 2011, Apple began litigating against Samsung in patent infringement suits.
By August 2011, Apple and Samsung were litigating 19 ongoing cases in nine countries.
By October 2011, the legal disputes expanded to ten countries. 
By July 2012, the two companies were still embroiled in more than 50 lawsuits around the globe, with billions of dollars in damages claimed between them.
Apple won a ruling in its favor in the U.S.
Samsung won rulings in South Korea, Japan, and the UK.
On June 4, 2013, Samsung won a limited ban from the U.S. International Trade Commission on sales of certain Apple products after the commission found Apple had violated a Samsung patent, but this was vetoed by U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman.

Points Should Be Considered Before Buying Franchise.

Buying a franchise is certainly a shortcut to starting a business without the headaches of a startup venture.

Following points should be considered before buying franchise

1. What is the level of growth of that business?
2. How much sales that business has in market?
3. What are success rates of new franchises of that business ?
4. Reviews of franchisees of that business which are present in market.