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Category: PPP

Constitution Is Respected When It Is Put To Practice

Now a days PPP is celebrating 75 years of Constitution of 1973
Senator Raza Rabbani says ” Golden jubilee events of constitution of 1973 to be held all year long”
Senator has forgotten that Pakistan is facing major economical crisis and his party played major part in creating it.
Bilwal Zardari is saying “We have made the Constitution and we will safe it “
But Bilwal is with PML-N who are consistently putting Constitution in danger
PPP should show respect to Constitution by keep practicing on it.

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No Confidence Motion.

No confidence motion is a democratic way of removing a Prime Minister from his office. Now a days PDM is making an attempt to remove PM Imran Khan.
20 percent of total members of National Assembly are required to pass no confidence motion against PM.
In past, only two times no confidence motion was presented in NA against PM
In 1989, no confidence motion was presented against Benzir Bhutto.
In 2006, it was presented against Shaukat Aziz . But both the time motions failed to pass.
In 2021, many prime ministers of other countries faced no confidence motion and that they survived. Like Thailand PM, Canadian PM, Japan PM, Sweden PMand Nepal PM. 

“No One’s Personal Life Is The Public Interest. It’s Gossip, Bottom Line. End of Story”Kevin Spancey.

This quote is beautifully fit on role of opposition political parties nowadays. Instead of playing their role in Parliament. Giving practical solution of problems, they are protecting their corrupt leadership interests who’s money and family are in foreign country.
If they care so much than they should bring back stolen money to Pakistan.
On which performance opposition will ask vote from public in next general election. Only work they are doing is criticising government.