Kalsoom Fatima Advocate

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Category: Punjab

No Confidence Motion.

No confidence motion is a democratic way of removing a Prime Minister from his office. Now a days PDM is making an attempt to remove PM Imran Khan.
20 percent of total members of National Assembly are required to pass no confidence motion against PM.
In past, only two times no confidence motion was presented in NA against PM
In 1989, no confidence motion was presented against Benzir Bhutto.
In 2006, it was presented against Shaukat Aziz . But both the time motions failed to pass.
In 2021, many prime ministers of other countries faced no confidence motion and that they survived. Like Thailand PM, Canadian PM, Japan PM, Sweden PMand Nepal PM. 

Celebrating with Aerial Firing : Expression Of Fulfilling Lust Of Power

According to media reports, FIR on 400 people which includes lawyers registered for aerial firing to celebrate LBA election 2022 victory.

This raises critical question
“Do Lawyers participate in elections to work for welfare of community or to get powers?”

In 2020 Punjab Bar Council Elections, lady lawyers also did aerial firing.

If gun culture, keep on growing like this than what will be the result. Lawyers will do direct fire on their opposition

Will Maryam Nawaz Will Do Election Campaign For Hamza Shahbaz As Candidate For Prime Minister Of Pakistan?

Maryam Nawaz and Nawaz Sharif both are disqualified by courts . They cannot take part in any elections.

Question arises here will Maryam Nawaz will do election campaign of Hamza Shahbaz if he come as a candidate of prime minister in upcoming gerenal elections.

If a political party has two narratives then different policies will be implemented, to fulfill the narratives.This implementation of two narratives will create division in political party .

Toshakhana Case: PTI Government Stand Is Legally Correct.

Toshakhana is a word of persian origin  which means treasure house.Toshakhana is a government owned department under control of cabinet division formed in 1971.

According to the news published in dawn on 14 october 2021, Islamabad High Court questioned government over reluctant to give lists of gifts which Prime Minister Imran Khan received since august 2018 when he assumed office. 

According to news reports, opposition is saying that a government has no ground to keep toshakhana information secret.
Government in the petition argued that the record of the toshakhana is classified and disclosure of any information related to it jeopardise is international ties.

I believe opposition lawyers forget to read Section 16 (1) (a)(ii) of Right Of Access To Information Act 2017.
Section 16: Information Exempt From Disclosure 
ii) If its disclosure is likely to cause damage to interest of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in conduct of international relation 
In this section “international relations” means relation between Islamic Republic Of Pakistan and 
A) The government of any other foreign state and 
B) Organisation of which only state are member 

Opposition should do proper research work.

Cryptocurrency, No Legislation Is Done In Pakistan To Regulated It.

Cryptocurrency is banned in Pakistan but many people are investing in digital currencies.

In India, Bitcoin currency is legal but they are no regulations in the country to regulated it. Cryptocurrencies are not taxable in India.

China Central bank has announced that all the transaction in cryptocurrency are illegal.

According to the news published in Dawn on October 5th 2021
“Sindh High Court summoned officials of the State Bank of Pakistan, Security and Exchange Commission, Minister of Finance and Federal investigation agencies, to come up with comments and suggestions as to how to regulate cryptocurrencies in Pakistan.”

But I think Pakistani authorities are waiting for a financial scandal to make a headlines then they will start  making regulations regarding cryptocurrency

Pandora Papers And Panama Papers Has Proven That Rule Of Law Has Become Weaken All Over The World

Pandora papers and Panama papers has proven that rule of law has become weaken all over the world. Both papers are based on leaked information. The process of getting leaked information itself an illegal but it is globally done on the name of investigative journalism.

These documents has exposed over 300 Indians including those who are accused in economic offences, former members of parliament and those who are under the radar of Investigation agencies.

700 Pakistani including politicians, former military generals, bureaucrat and businessman are on this list.

According to the leaked data, Pakistani are the fifth largest investor in expensive property of London.

Pandora papers are questionmark on Imran Khan accountability narrative. How will  Imran Khan will make its own government member and allies accountable?

ICIJ Director General Ryle said
“We call it Pandora papers because we think we are opening a box on lot of things”

I agree with him because they not only expose financial corruption but they also pointed out weaknesses in rule of law and international law

Cricket Diplomacy

In past, cricket between India and Pakistan was used enhance relations between countries but it is for the first time it is used against Pakistan. New Zealand and England cricket teams cancelled their trips because of Indian propaganda. Cricket which is a source of joy but Modi wants to destroy international peace with it

Cricket is the second most world is widely played game after football. Countries which use cricket as a tool to bridge the gap in the diplomatic vacuum are as following
1 Australia and England
2 India and Pakistan
3 England and Zimbabwe
4 China and Taiwan

“Cricket is a pressure game, and when it comes to an India-Pakistan match the pressure is doubled.”
— Imran Khan

Important Things Should Be Considered Before Starting Your Business

1. Money.
2. Know your customer.
3. Know your product.
4. Make a workable plan.
5. Motivation.

Ways to Overcome Depression Without Medication

1. Do something new
2. Try to notice good things
3. Identify troubles
4. Accept yourself
5. Learn to forgive
6. Examine your relationships
7. Do charity work
8. Find workable goals that give you a sense of accomplishment
9. Schedule pleasant activities or events.
10. Stay in the present.
11. Exercise and eat right too.
12. Focus on people who lift you up.
13. Try to keep a regular sleep schedule.

22 Types Of Management

Management is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.
These are the most common types of management.
1. Strategic Management
2. Sales Management
3. Marketing Management
4. Public Relations
5. Operations Management
6. Supply Chain Management
7. Procurement Management
8. Financial Management
9. Accounting Management
10. Human Resources Management
11. Information Technology Management
12. R&D Management
13. Engineering Management
14. Program Management
15. Project Management
16. Risk Management
17. Change Management
18. Quality Management
19. Innovation Management
20. Design Management
21. Facility Management
22. Knowledge Management