Kalsoom Fatima Advocate

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Category: Society

Transgender: Why We Make Fun Of Humanity.

Transgenders in pakistani society are not accepted and respected. Mostly are beggers and live in poor conditions.

My Questions:
1) Is this their fault that they are born as transgender?
2) Allah has created them. No one can disagree from this fact.Then why we reject or hate them?

“No One’s Personal Life Is The Public Interest. It’s Gossip, Bottom Line. End of Story”Kevin Spancey.

This quote is beautifully fit on role of opposition political parties nowadays. Instead of playing their role in Parliament. Giving practical solution of problems, they are protecting their corrupt leadership interests who’s money and family are in foreign country.
If they care so much than they should bring back stolen money to Pakistan.
On which performance opposition will ask vote from public in next general election. Only work they are doing is criticising government.

Fake Vaccination Entries Nawaz Sharif Case : Maryam Nawaz Should Have Start Inter Party Investigation.

Fake vaccinations entries of Nawaz Sharif  shows that his private documents are easily available . If this is the case then anyone can transfer Nawaz sharif property to his name .
Shahbaz Sharif and Hamza Shahbaz are quiet on the issue.
No party leader of pmln is showing interest in this issue.
Where is Maryam Nawaz? Why didn’t she start an inter party investigation?

Shahrukh Khan Son Case: A Question Mark On India

Shahrukh Khan son, has been arrested in drug case. He has been accused of buying and distributing drugs.

Life coverage has been given, when his son cames to the court. All media channels are discussing him. Politicians are giving statement regarding him.

What about common people, whose cases are pending in courts?

Why meda is not highlighting the flows in indian judiciary?

Why politicians are not making efforts to improve justice system?

What about the conditions of ordinary Muslims, are they enjoying the same privileges as Aryan Khan?

What about poor conditions other minorities?

It is not the first time that any Bollywood related person has committed crime.

Is it Modi government policy to hide its failures on national and international level behind the the case of Shah Rukh Khan son?

Cryptocurrency, No Legislation Is Done In Pakistan To Regulated It.

Cryptocurrency is banned in Pakistan but many people are investing in digital currencies.

In India, Bitcoin currency is legal but they are no regulations in the country to regulated it. Cryptocurrencies are not taxable in India.

China Central bank has announced that all the transaction in cryptocurrency are illegal.

According to the news published in Dawn on October 5th 2021
“Sindh High Court summoned officials of the State Bank of Pakistan, Security and Exchange Commission, Minister of Finance and Federal investigation agencies, to come up with comments and suggestions as to how to regulate cryptocurrencies in Pakistan.”

But I think Pakistani authorities are waiting for a financial scandal to make a headlines then they will start  making regulations regarding cryptocurrency

Pandora Papers And Panama Papers Has Proven That Rule Of Law Has Become Weaken All Over The World

Pandora papers and Panama papers has proven that rule of law has become weaken all over the world. Both papers are based on leaked information. The process of getting leaked information itself an illegal but it is globally done on the name of investigative journalism.

These documents has exposed over 300 Indians including those who are accused in economic offences, former members of parliament and those who are under the radar of Investigation agencies.

700 Pakistani including politicians, former military generals, bureaucrat and businessman are on this list.

According to the leaked data, Pakistani are the fifth largest investor in expensive property of London.

Pandora papers are questionmark on Imran Khan accountability narrative. How will  Imran Khan will make its own government member and allies accountable?

ICIJ Director General Ryle said
“We call it Pandora papers because we think we are opening a box on lot of things”

I agree with him because they not only expose financial corruption but they also pointed out weaknesses in rule of law and international law

Cricket Diplomacy

In past, cricket between India and Pakistan was used enhance relations between countries but it is for the first time it is used against Pakistan. New Zealand and England cricket teams cancelled their trips because of Indian propaganda. Cricket which is a source of joy but Modi wants to destroy international peace with it

Cricket is the second most world is widely played game after football. Countries which use cricket as a tool to bridge the gap in the diplomatic vacuum are as following
1 Australia and England
2 India and Pakistan
3 England and Zimbabwe
4 China and Taiwan

“Cricket is a pressure game, and when it comes to an India-Pakistan match the pressure is doubled.”
— Imran Khan

After NAB Which Departmental Head Will Be Given Extension

There is a famous saying
“A bad worker always blames his tools”

Army chief was given extension because it was necessary. Why it was necessary? In past because of weaknesses of politicians army has  imposed martial laws

Now once again politicians are hiding behind a department to cover their weaknesses.

In India, after partition no army chief was given extension. No matter what circumstances India was facing every chief retires on its time.

Concept of retirement has been around since the 18th century. Retirement as a government policy began to be adopted by countries during the late 19th century and the 20th century.

But Question is still here. After NAB Which Departmental Head Will Be Given Extension?

Why Constitutional Crisis Are Easily Created in Balochistan Assembly?

Balochistan is one of the most beautiful province of Pakistan but it faces more constitution crisis in its assembly more than any provincial assembly of Pakistan. Whenever there is a political destability in Balochistan assembly, it is taken as first signal of an approaching National crisis.

According to the Article 106 (1) of Constitution of Pakistan 1973,
” National assembly consists of general seats, reserved seats for women and non muslims as specified hereinbelow
General seats = 51
Women =11
Non Muslims = 3
Total = 65

Jam Mir Khan Kamal is current CM of Balochistan. Structure of Balochistan assembly is given below
Government =35
BAP =24
PTI = 7
ANP =4
Supported by 6
BNP(A)= 3
Opposition = 22
Non-aligned 2

In past, Balochistan political leaders claims that province not given proper share in money but since last 10 years Balochistan is getting its share through NFC awards regularly. Now there always crisis on distribution of money within the province.

Defective and unproductive political engineering of past many decades has evaluated a special class of politicial elite in the province. They do not bother about poor people social – economic challenges and an outdated governance method. They are interested in maintaining their statusquo.

” Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and apply the wrong remedies.”
Groucho Marx

Important Things Should Be Considered Before Starting Your Business

1. Money.
2. Know your customer.
3. Know your product.
4. Make a workable plan.
5. Motivation.